Property Inspection Report London 

Property Inspection Report for Immigration and Visa

We provide housing inspection report for UK visa and Immigration all over the London: Eastern London, Eastern Central London, Northern London, North Western London, South Eastern London, South Western London, Western London, Western Central London. 

Our popular areas for Property Inspection Report

Other UK Areas
If your area is not listed above, please do not hesitate to contact us on 07500242494 or please visit our Property Inspection Report near me page as we provide Property inspection report for immigration sponsorship throughout the UK.

What is a property inspection?

When you make an application to the UK Border Agency (UKBA) for entry clearance into the United Kingdom, you may be asked to get an independent assessment of the proposed property where the visa applicant is intending to live in; that is number of rooms and current occupants for the proposed accommodation. A property assessment is required to ensure the property is safe, in a good state of repair and doesn't pose a health and safety risk. It will also assess whether the property would become overcrowded if any more people were to move in. 

Call us for a Property Inspection Report for UK Visa and Immigration on 07500242494 or complete our online form. 

Fast & Reliable Service 24 Hour Turn Around Time for Property inspection report for UK settlement visa applications. All property inspection reports are professionally produced, fully compliant to the UK Border Agency (UKBA) requirements.


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